
Example Definitions of "Lease"
Lease. A lease or rental contract (written evidence of an obligation for the payment of money arising from the lease or rental of Vehicles and Equipment, including insurance) now existing or hereafter entered into between RTL as lessor and a customer of RTL as lessee relative to a PLC Financed Asset, together with any extensions, renewals, amendments, or modifications thereof or substitutions therefor.
Lease. The Lease, as amended by this Addendum, is referred to herein as the "Lease."
Lease. Any of Seller's interests as lessor in the leases set forth on Exhibit 3 attached hereto or which are executed after the Effective Date and approved in writing by Purchaser in its sole discretion
Lease. This Lease Agreement.
Lease. The Lease
Lease. Means the Lease, dated June 7, 2019, entered into between Landlord, as landlord, and Tenant, as tenant, and, where applicable, as amended by this Amendment.
Lease. The meaning ascribed to such term in the recitals to this Agreement
Lease. The lease between the Seller and Aracaris Limited in the agreed form annexed to this contract as Annexure 3;
Lease. That certain Lease Agreement to be entered into at Closing between Buyer, as lessor, and Seller, as lessee, pursuant to which Seller shall lease back the Premises and Improvements from Buyer. Prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, Buyer and Seller shall cooperate in good-faith to finalize any negotiations of this Lease, which Buyer agrees to provide to Seller commencing on the Closing Date for a period of ten and one-half (10.5) years. The Lease shall (i) be a so-called triple net... (NNN) lease, and (ii) provide for a rental rate equal to FOUR AND 25/100 DOLLARS ($4.25) per square foot with one and one-half percent (1.5%) annual increases View More
Lease. Means that certain Lease Agreement dated November 7, 1997, between HMS Gateway Office, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, the predecessor-in-interest of Landlord, as landlord, and Sublessor, as tenant; as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated as of November 10, 1998; that certain Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated as of May 19, 2000; and that certain Amended and Restated Agreement Concerning Assignment and Sublease Profits dated as of May 23, 2002; a copy of... the Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit A. View More
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