Licensed Product

Example Definitions of "Licensed Product"
Licensed Product. Oyster's product known as OC-01, a nasal spray containing the Compound as pharmaceutical ingredient, and described in United States Investigational New Drug Application #138645, the development, manufacture, use, sale or importation of which would, absent the license granted by Pfizer to Oyster herein, infringe or contribute to the infringement of or induce a Third Party to infringe any Valid Claim in any Licensed Patent covering the Compound.
Licensed Product. Any method, process, composition, product, service, or component part thereof that (a) would, but for the granting of the rights set forth in this Agreement, infringe a Valid Claim contained in the Licensed Patents and/or (b) uses or incorporates the Licensed Know-How.
Licensed Product. Means any product, the making, using or selling of which is covered by a Valid Claim in the country in which such product is made, used or sold.
Licensed Product. Shall refer to products incorporating the Licensed Artwork which shall be limited to the products specified in Appendix B.
Licensed Product. A Licensed Know-How Product or Licensed Patent Product
Licensed Product. The term "Licensed Product" shall mean any product which cannot be developed, manufactured, offered to sale, used or sold without (i) infringing one or more claims under SCIENT'X Patent Rights; or (ii) utilizing any part of SCIENT'X Technology not otherwise includable within SCIENT'X Patent Rights.
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