
Example Definitions of "Proceeds"
Proceeds. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Uniform Commercial Code in effect in the State of New York on the date hereof: Accession, Financial Asset, Proceeds and Security.
Proceeds. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Uniform Commercial Code in effect in the State of New York North Carolina on the date hereof: Accession, Financial Asset, Proceeds and Security.
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Proceeds. The meaning set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code in the State of New York
Proceeds. The meaning set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code in the State of New York Nevada
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Proceeds. Each of the foregoing defined terms shall include all of such items now owned or existing, or hereafter arising or acquired by Grantor.
Proceeds. Each of the foregoing defined terms shall Shall include all of such items now owned or existing, or hereafter arising or acquired by Grantor.
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Proceeds. All "proceeds," as such term is defined in Section 679.1021(1)(lll) of the Uniform Commercial Code of Florida, and, which in any event shall include, without limitation, all dividends or other income from the Units, collections thereon or distributions with respect thereto
Proceeds. All "proceeds," as such term is defined in Section 679.1021(1)(lll) of the Uniform Commercial Code of Florida, 2010 Florida Statutes, and, which in any event shall include, without limitation, all dividends or other income from the Units, Shares, collections thereon or distributions with respect thereto
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Proceeds. "Award" shall mean a lump sum amount equal to 0.25% of the Liquidation.
Proceeds. "Award" shall mean a lump sum amount equal to 0.25% 2.56% of the Liquidation.
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Proceeds. Shall mean all "proceeds" as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC and, in any event, shall include with respect to the Company, any consideration received from the sale, exchange, license, lease or other disposition of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, any value received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other person or entity ("Person") as a result of the destruction, loss, theft, damage or other... involuntary conversion of whatever nature of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, and shall include: (a) all cash and negotiable instruments received by or held (by the Company or any other Person) on behalf of the Secured Parties; (b) any claim of any Debtor against any third party for (and the right to sue and recover for and the rights to damages or profits due or accrued arising out of or in connection with) (i) past, present or future infringement or other violation of any patent now or hereafter owned by any Debtor, (ii) past, present or future infringement or dilution or other violation of any trademark now or hereafter owned by any Debtor or injury to the goodwill of the business connected with the use thereof or symbolized thereby, (iii) past, present or future infringement or other violation of any copyright now or hereafter owned by any Debtor, (iv) past, present or future infringement, misappropriation or misuse or other violation or impairment of any other Intellectual Property now or hereafter owned by any Debtor; and (c) any and all other amounts from time to time paid or payable under or in connection with any of the Collateral. View More
Proceeds. Shall mean all "proceeds" as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC and, in any event, shall include with respect to the Company, any Grantor, any consideration received from the sale, exchange, license, lease or other disposition of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, any value received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other person Person or entity ("Person") as a result of the destruction, loss, theft,... damage or other involuntary conversion of whatever nature of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, and shall include: include (a) all cash and negotiable instruments received by or held (by the Company or any other Person) on behalf of the Secured Parties; Collateral Agent, (b) any claim of any Debtor Grantor against any third party for (and the right to sue and recover for and the rights to damages or profits due or accrued arising out of or in connection with) (i) past, present or future infringement or other violation of any patent Patent now or hereafter owned by any Debtor, Grantor, (ii) past, present or future infringement or dilution or other violation of any trademark Trademark now or hereafter owned by any Debtor Grantor or injury to the goodwill of the business connected associated with the use thereof or symbolized thereby, (iii) past, present or future infringement or other violation of any copyright Copyright now or hereafter owned by any Debtor, (iv) past, present or future infringement, misappropriation or misuse or other violation or impairment of any other Intellectual Property now or hereafter owned by any Debtor; Grantor and (c) any and all other amounts from time to time paid or payable under or in connection with any of the Collateral. View More
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Proceeds. Means (i) Pledgor's right, title and interest in and to all cash flow and other Distributions paid to Pledgor in respect of the Pledged Interests, whether paid as profits, cash or asset Distributions, repayment of loans or capital or otherwise and including all "proceeds" as such term is defined in Section 9-102(64) of the UCC; (ii) all books, records, electronically stored data and information relating to the Pledged Interests and all rights of access to such books, records and information;... (iii) all contract rights, general intangibles, claims, powers, privileges, benefits and remedies of Pledgor relating to the foregoing; (iv) all additions to the Pledged Interests, all substitutions therefor and all replacements thereof; and (v) all cash or non-cash proceeds of any of the foregoing. View More
Proceeds. Means (i) Pledgor's Borrower's right, title and interest in and to all cash flow Distributions, monies, fees, payments, compensations and other Distributions paid to Pledgor proceeds now or hereafter payable in respect of the Pledged Interests, whether paid payable as profits, cash or Distributions, asset Distributions, repayment of loans or capital or otherwise and including all "proceeds" as such term is defined in Section 9-102(64) 9-102 of the UCC; (ii) all books, records, electronically... stored data and information relating to the Pledged Interests and all rights of access to such books, records and information; (iii) all contract rights, general intangibles, claims, powers, privileges, benefits and remedies of Pledgor Borrower relating to the foregoing; (iv) all additions to the Pledged Interests, all substitutions therefor and all replacements thereof; and (v) all cash or non-cash proceeds of any of the foregoing. View More
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Proceeds. Any consideration received from the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of any asset or property which constitutes Collateral, any other value received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other person or entity as a result of the loss, nonconformity, or interference with the use of, defects or infringements of rights, or damage to any asset or property that constitutes Collateral.
Proceeds. Any consideration received from the sale, lease, exchange exchange, lease or other disposition of any asset or property which constitutes Collateral, any other value received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other person or entity as a result of the destruction, loss, nonconformity, theft or interference with the use of, defects or infringements other involuntary conversion of rights, or damage to whatever nature of any asset or... property that constitutes Collateral. Collateral View More
Proceeds. Any consideration received from the sale, lease, exchange exchange, lease or other disposition of any asset or property which constitutes Collateral, any other value received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other person or entity as a result of the destruction, loss, nonconformity, theft or interference with the use of, defects or infringements other involuntary conversion of rights, or damage to whatever nature of any asset or... property that constitutes Collateral. Collateral View More
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Proceeds. All "proceeds" as such term is defined in Section 9-102(a)(64) of the New York UCC and, in any event, shall include, without limitation, all dividends or other income from the Pledged Stock, collections thereon or distributions or payments with respect thereto.
Proceeds. Defined in the Uniform Commercial Code from time to time in effect in the State of New York (the "UCC")
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