
Example Definitions of "Proceeds"
Proceeds. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York (the "UCC"). In the event that the UCC is revised subsequent to the date hereof, all references herein to the UCC shall be deemed to be references to such revision and the corresponding successor provisions and requirements.
Proceeds. All proceeds as such term is defined in Section 9-102(a)(64) of the Code and, in any event, shall include, without limitation, all dividends or other income with respect to and from the Pledged Company Interests, collections thereon and/or distributions with respect thereto
Proceeds. Means all amounts paid or payable for the benefit of the Secured Parties or the Collateral Agent pursuant to, or upon the exercise of remedies under, the Security Documents.
Proceeds. Any and all proceeds (as that term is defined in the U.C.C. ), including without limitation, whatever is received when Collateral is sold, exchanged, collected or otherwise disposed of
Proceeds. Any proceeds, as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC
Proceeds. Whatever is received when any of the Collateral (as hereinafter defined) is sold, exchanged, leased, collected, or otherwise disposed of, including, without limitation, cash, rents, issues, profits, credits, rebates, refunds, insurance proceeds, negotiable instruments and other instruments for the payment of money, chattel paper, security agreements, other documents, and other cash and noncash proceeds
Proceeds. Identifiable or traceable personal or real property in any form derived directly or indirectly from any dealing with any of the Collateral or the proceeds therefrom
Proceeds. All "proceeds" as such term is now or hereafter defined in the Code and, in any event, shall include, without limitation, all dividends or other income from the Pledged Stock, collections thereon, proceeds of sale thereof or distributions with respect thereto
Proceeds. Means all cash and other proceeds and all other profits, products, rents or receipts, in whatever form, arising from the collection, sale, lease, exchange, assignment, licensing or other disposition of, other realization upon any Investment Property or other property that is credited to the Trading Account.
Proceeds. Shall mean all "proceeds" as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC and, in any event, shall include with respect to any Grantor, any consideration (including any cash and negotiable instruments) received from the sale, exchange, license, lease or other disposition of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, any value (including any cash and negotiable instruments) received as a consequence of the possession of any Collateral and any payment received from any insurer or other... Person or entity as a result of the destruction, loss, theft, damage or other involuntary conversion of whatever nature of any asset or property that constitutes Collateral, and shall include any and all other amounts from time to time paid or payable under or in respect of any of the Collateral. View More
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