
Example Definitions of "Project"
Project. The term "Project" shall have the meaning set forth in the Basic Lease Information.
Project. Shall mean the services performed for and Deliverables to be received by Client.
Project. The ASIC project specified in the applicable Statement of Work.
Project. The activities described in Exhibit A
Project. That certain real property described in EXHIBIT B consisting of approximately 5.35 acres, upon which are located the Building, together with two (2) buildings of approximately fifty-eight thousand (58,000) total rentable square feet (the "Adjacent Buildings").
Project. The Development of the C200 System in accordance with this Agreement.
Project. The generation of monoclonal antibodies using Sangamo Material or Sangamo Information directed to a specific antigen target by or on behalf of Roche and its Affiliates.
Project. The Land together with the Improvements and any and all other buildings, structures and improvements located or to be located thereon and all rights, privileges, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto relating or appertaining, including parking for at least 198 vehicles, but in any event parking in compliance with any applicable zoning ordinance and tenant leases, and all personal property, fixtures and equipment required or used (or to be used) for the operation thereof, but... specifically excluding all personal property, trade fixtures and equipment, not constituting a part of the structural, utility or mechanical components or systems of the Improvements, required or used (or to be used) for the operation of Borrower's business at the Project. View More
Project. That certain project located in Baltimore City known as Tide Point containing approximately ten (10) acres, more or less, together with the Building thereon. The Project is more particularly shown on Exhibit A.
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