
Example Definitions of "Property"
Property. The real property owned by Seller and located in Durham, North Carolina, which is generally depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto, together with all right, title and interest, if any, of Seller in and to all strips and gores and any land lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue, opened or proposed, in front of or adjoining the Property, and all easements, rights-of-way, privileges, licenses, and all appurtenances thereto. At such time as the property depicted in Exhibit A is subdivided... pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and a subdivision plat (Plat) is recorded effectuating such subdivision, the legal description of the Property as set forth in the Plat shall be substituted in place of the depiction attached hereto as Exhibit A and shall be the description of the Property conveyed to Buyer as part of the Closing View More
Property. Has the meaning set forth in the Loan Agreement
Property. As described on Exhibits A and B each parcel of Land together with the Improvements and any and all other buildings, structures and improvements located or to be located thereon and all rights, privileges, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto relating or appertaining, including parking in compliance with any applicable zoning ordinance and tenant leases, and all personal property, fixtures and equipment required or used (or to be used) for the operation thereof, and any... Substitute Property. View More
Property. The Building and the parcel of land on which it is located and other improvements serving the Building, if any, and the parcel of land on which they are located.
Property. The Ready, Red and Set unpatented mining claims situated in Esmeralda County, Nevada, described in Exhibit A, or on any exhibit or schedule which is part of Exhibit A, including all interests acquired in and under any Underlying Agreement, and all other easements, licenses, mineral interests, mineral royalty interests, mining claims, rights-of­way, surface use rights and interests in real property which are acquired and held subject to this Agreement, including any of the same acquired in the... Area of Interest in accordance with Section 1.1. View More
Property. Any particular tract of land (and all rights and appurtenances incident thereto) owned or to be owned by the Venture or owned or to be owned by any joint venture, partnership, limited liability company or other entity in which the Venture owns an economic or beneficial interest and all improvements located, constructed or developed thereon or to be constructed or developed thereon.
Property. The Land and Improvements.
Property. The mineral concessions described in Schedule "A" (the "Property") as they may be augmented pursuant to Section 16.1 (such augmenting claims or interests being referred to herein as the "Additional Property" and included as part of the Property), and all mining leases and other mining interests derived from any such claims, and a reference herein to a mineral claim comprised in the Property includes any mineral leases or other interests into which such mineral claim may have been converted and... Property includes all Property Rights. View More
Property. As the context requires, any, or all, respectively, of the Real Property acquired by the Pledgor, either directly or indirectly (whether through joint venture arrangements or other partnership or investment interests).
Property. As such term is defined in the Declaration of Trust.
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