
Example Definitions of "Customer"
Customer. A qualified customer of Omnicell who is an obligor under a Contract or a guarantor of such Customer
Customer. Any person or entity that is doing business with MetaBank on the Determination Date
Customer. The meaning set forth in the Preamble. References herein to "Customer" shall include the "Recipients" to the extent the context requires
Customer. Means: (i) hospitals, operating nurses and surgeons who have the power or ability to order or call for new tissue processing services related to the Business of the Company and upon whom the Company calls and (ii) organ procurement organizations and tissue banks from whom the Company procures tissue, and (iii) universities, businesses, inventors, consultants, hospitals, operating nurses and surgeons with whom the Company collaborates or otherwise cooperates or works with in connection with the... Company's research, development, improvement, and refinement of products and services provided, sold, or under development by the Company View More
Customer. A customer of Licensee who purchases Licensed Products from Licensee
Customer. A wafer fabrication facility owner that is identified on a Site Addendum and has an agreement directly with Brooks for the supply of spare parts and/or the provision of support services for Brooks Products.
Customer. An end-user of a Party's Product, but only to the extent of such use (for example, without limitation, if a company purchases product X from a Party and product Y from a non-Party, then that company is a Customer with respect to product X but not with respect to product Y)
Customer. Any individual, corporation, partnership, business or other entity, whether for-profit or not-for-profit (i) whose existence and business is known to Executive as a result of Executive's access to the Company's business information, Confidential Information, customer lists or customer account information (including any Person to whom the Company makes a written proposal to provide services during the term of this Agreement); (ii) that is a business entity or individual with whom the Company has... a valid and subsisting contract as of the date of this Agreement; or (iii) a business entity or individual with whom the Company enters into a valid contract during the term of this Agreement View More
Customer. Shall mean any Person that places an Order with FedEx for services that include the use of CryoPort Express with FedEx transportation services that is accepted by CryoPort, all in accordance with this Agreement.
Customer. Any healthcare provider that is authorized under Applicable Laws to purchase Products, subject to Section 2(c).
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